Information and frequently asked questions
The initial consultation is free – but our services do have a fee, however,
- There is no charge for your initial consultation and no up-front fees
- Without an up-front fee, you can get started faster on your debt solution!
- Only once you decide you like the course of action your personal finance mentor maps out for you… And only once you’re satisfied we can help you… Then there is a fee for each of the services.
Debt consolidation loans were once very popular but are increasingly difficult to get approved. These days most people opt for either a formal or informal debt agreement. This is a way to formally arrange your debts into manageable repayments without applying for more credit through a lending institution.
It may be possible for My Debt Help to negotiate with your individual creditors and enable and commence a Personal Informal repayment program. This will result in the freezing of interest payments and allow you to repay your debts through My Debt Help to your creditors. Because of our vast experience in dealing with creditors, they will generally accept our offers when they would reject a proposal directly from the debtor. This option is usually taken when income and debt limits are in excess of those allowed under a debt agreement.
My Debt Help offers a strictly confidential professional service, there is no reason to feel embarrassed about your current debt situation, we are experienced with many differing debt levels and we work for you and will never judge you.
There is no charge for your initial consultation. And there are no up-front fees.
Without an up-front fee, you can get started faster on your debt solution!
Only once you decide you like the course of action your personal finance mentor maps out for you… And only once you’re satisfied we can help you… Then there is a fee for each of the services.
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